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产 品 目 录 (163)
产 品 目 录

YD-225 鞋内长度测量仪 量尺
16-SP YD-225-1

YD-225 鞋内长度测量仪 量尺
16-SP YD-225

圆筒滤芯 滤筒 圆筒滤纸Thimble Filters
11-OT LX

15-TH SM114

15-TH SM112


  WALMART 鞋类测试标准 [2014-7-29]

      全部产品      机器设备      专用专项 特别项目     浏览产品信息:
产品代号: 16-SP YD-206
产品名称: YD-206 鞋身 鞋后包跟高度仪

产品价格: 欢迎询价¥ , 1套 / 套
品牌产地: 东莞玉达 YD
产品规格: 最大测量高度 75mm

产品简介: 用于测量鞋子 后包 高度 等同 SATRA STD 206

更新时间: 2014-7-29
浏览次数: 4394


Quarter and back height gauge
The height of the top-line of a shoe at the back and at the quarters affect fit and comfort. If the back height is too low heel slip may occur during walking. If the quarters, particularly the outside quarter, are too high the top-line may rub the ankle bone.
     The YD-206 is an instrument designed to measure the height of the top-line of the shoe above the insole surface at the seat to check that footwear is satisfactory. It can be used for all sizes of shoe and incorporates an adjustment which allows the measuring positioning for quarter height to be varied correctly with shoe size. It can be easily changed to measure left and right shoes as required.
     To carry out measurements the gauge is placed inside a shoe on the insole at the seat. It is a simple but accurate device and is supplied with full instructions and tables giving measurement positions for adults’ as well as children’s shoes. It is plated to prevent corrosion.
     The YD-206 is compact and measures 80 x 40 x 135mm high.

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